Tag: Ukraine
Obama Admin Likely Worked With Soros Foundation To Overthrow Ukrainian President in 2014
Findings: While it isn’t provable in court, we can see that there is enough evidence to make the case that this explanation is: LIKELY INTRODUCTION Nine years ago, a Molotov-cocktail-throwing mob of Neo-Nazis took to the streets of Kiev, occupied government buildings, perpetrated violence and drove the duly elected president of the nation out of…
The 4 BIGGEST FACTS That Will Finish Trump’s Impeachment
In all the constant discussion of the Trump Impeachment hearings people can start to lose sight of what’s important. Many allegations have been brought against the President in recent months. But at the end of the day the impeachment is about one thing: “quid pro quo” alleged to have occurred between presidents Trump and Zelensky.…
Trump Says Ukraine Investigation Was About ‘Corruption’, Not Joe Biden – Transcript Proves It
The Left’s pathetic attempt to cover for Biden, and his deep state buddies like MITT ROMNEY, is blowing up in their faces. Nancy Pelosi and friends claim President Trump launched an investigation into corruption in Ukraine just to hurt Joe Biden and the Left in the November election. However, the Ukraine investigation is uncovering corruption…