Category: Biden

  • TRUE – Joe Biden Went On TV & Said, “I sold a lot of state secrets”

    TRUE – Joe Biden Went On TV & Said, “I sold a lot of state secrets”

    Findings: President Joe Biden went on TV with foreign leaders and said, “I sold a lot of state secrets and a lot of very important things that we shared”: TRUE

  • The Wannabe Dictator: An Amusing Tale of Power-Hungry Shenanigans

    The Wannabe Dictator: An Amusing Tale of Power-Hungry Shenanigans

    Once upon a time, in a land not so far away, there lived a peculiar character who fancied himself a formidable dictator. Let’s call him Brandon, for the sake of anonymity. Now, Brandon was not exactly cut out for the role of a dictator. In fact, he was more like a squirrel trying to boss…

  • TRUE – Joe Biden Was Behind FBI’s Mar-a-Lago Raid

    TRUE – Joe Biden Was Behind FBI’s Mar-a-Lago Raid

    A high-ranking official from the FBI, Steven D’Antuono, has recently spoken out to Congress regarding alleged violations of protocols during the FBI’s raid on Mar-a-Lago, former President Donald Trump’s resort, in August of last year. D’Antuono is a significant whistleblower, having played a prominent role in the investigation of the kidnapping plot against Governor Gretchen…

  • Fact: US President Can Declassify Secret Documents

    Fact: US President Can Declassify Secret Documents

    Summary President Donald J. Trump had the constitutional authority to classify and declassify information related to national security. However, this does not mean that the President can declassify documents simply by saying or thinking that they are declassified. There are formal procedures and guidelines that the President must follow to ensure that the declassification is…

  • Biden Admin Declines To Comment On “Suspicious” Timing Of Indictment

    Biden Admin Declines To Comment On “Suspicious” Timing Of Indictment

    The Biden administration’s Principal Deputy Press Secretary, Olivia Dalton, declined to comment on the timing of Donald Trump’s recent indictment. A reporter pointed out that the indictment coincided with Congress revealing allegations against Joe and Hunter Biden for accepting bribes from a Ukrainian gas company, and noted that the timing was “suspicious”. The reporter then…

  • Biden Under Fire: $5MIL BRIBERY SCANDAL?

    Biden Under Fire: $5MIL BRIBERY SCANDAL?

    Representative Andy Biggs, a Republican from Arizona, recently spoke about the House Oversight Committee’s investigation into a reported $5 million bribe to then Vice President Joe Biden. Biggs stated that if the evidence is consistent and supports the allegations, Biden should be impeached for gross criminal misconduct. He also mentioned the possibility of Democrats encouraging…