Tag: Megan Fox

  • Megan Fox Loses It: Threatens To Curse Robby Starbuck

    Megan Fox Loses It: Threatens To Curse Robby Starbuck

    Actress Megan Fox recently engaged in a controversial exchange with a conservative influencer. The disagreement stemmed from criticism directed at Fox for raising her sons with transgender identities. The influencer, Robby Starbuck, claimed that Fox’s children were being subjected to undue influence by “woke” parents advocating LGBTQ ideologies. He shared a personal account of witnessing…

  • Witch, Megan Fox Threatens To Hex Robby Starbuck

    Witch, Megan Fox Threatens To Hex Robby Starbuck

    Actress Megan Fox recently made some controversial statements and engaged in a social media exchange with a conservative influencer. The exchange began when the influencer criticized Fox for raising her sons as transgender. Former Hollywood producer Robby Starbuck shared his observation of two of Fox’s sons having distressing experiences while being dressed in girls’ clothing,…