Watch Leaked Footage: ABC Killed Epstein Story 3 Years Ago Amid Threats from British Royals & “Clinton”

An insider at ABC has leaked hot mic footage of news anchor Amy Robach talking about her Jeffrey Epstein investigation.

According to Amy Robach, she had “everything” about Epstein’s pedophile island and Lolita Express, including “Clinton”, 3 years ago. However, despite the bombshell evidence she acquired, Robach states that the network execs wouldn’t allow her to air it.

This is only Part 1 in a series of leaks that will be ongoing.

If you would like to know who killed the Epstein story to cover for Clinton and friends you can contact the President of ABC, James Goldston, via:

Landline: (347) 227-7710
Twitter: @JamesGoldston



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